March 3, 2016
Welcome to Elite CMDR!
Elite: Dangerous can be very Daunting when you are a new player and you have not idea where to go or what to do well I’m gonna help you out with this short and sweet beginner guide.
If you have horizons and choose surface start (horizons sidewinder), you will start at Asellus Primus This is a good starting system.
If you chose New Commander you will start at LHS 3447.
First thing you want to do is get out of (LHS 3447) and never look back.
Eravate system right next door has stations under 200ls away from its star – Cleve Hub, It currently also one of the busiest areas of space. Eravate is also controlled and protected by the Player group Adle’s Armada.
Kremainn system has ringed planets with RES(resource extraction sites) for combat bounty hunting, It also has stations close to its home star. Kremainn is now a player controlled anarchy system
LTT 18486 and LTT 3572 systems are close by and has RES(resource extraction sites) for bounty hunting.
Starting out can be hard, Space is big and there is a lot to explore, trade, mine and kill. Elite has a very steep learning curve and there is quite a few guides online to show you the ropes, grab some coffee and have a watch of a few of these while you are playing through the tutorials of the game 🙂
Pilot Training
- Official Elite: Dangerous Pilot Training Tutorials
- Welcome to the Galaxy, Commander – An Introduction to Elite: Dangerous
- Getting Started – The Beginners Guide to Planet Landing & SRVs
- Elite: Dangerous – Horizons – Starting From Scratch
- Welcome to the Galaxy tutorial series – Ctop
- Elite: Dangerous ☢ SURVIVAL GUIDE – Beginners Guide & Tips
- How To: Getting Started in Elite Dangerous
- Elite Dangerous – Newbie Guide
- Here is the official power play training videos
- Powerplay Mechanics
- Powerplay in Brief: Full Guide and Tutorial
- Elite: Dangerous – Powerplay – The fastest way to earn merits
Obsidian Ant is a good youtube channel for anything elite related.
Frontier Developments to catch up on current updates and Educating ED is a good series.
Scott Manley An Astronomer, he doesn’t play elite exclusively but he brings a great scientific perspective to the table.
Troa Barton does good walk-though instructions for the game.
Kornelius Briedis – from Latvia
SquidofLove, Commander ChaosWulff and Ctopare also frequent uploaders
There are many others
Here are some useful links for trading/exploration/bounty hunting/mining/ship information/galactic news so on
- Visual Exploration Guide/star chart
- 1.5 Ship Progression Chart
Tune into to Radio Sidewinder or or LaveRadio for great music and Galnet updates
Also if you run out of fuel. Call the Fuel Rats