March 3, 2016
Day 1 – Exploration – Elite: Dangerous
I have headed out to start exploring the galaxy. On this day i have made it nearly 510 light-years out from my home system of Eravate. I want to make my way out to Barnard’s Loop which is like 1700 light-years out from where I started.
So i fitted up an Asp Explorer and set out on my journey.
My load-out allows for me to jump nearly 30 light-years in a single jump makes for getting where I want to go fast. so it only took me 19 jumps to get 510 ly out. and here I am basking in that star.
and here is my current star map its hard to tell but the red is where I normally stay. The white is discovered systems. My trip will be the green dots you can barely see them at this time. The yellow dot is my home system and the purple dot is Sol. stay tuned for more updates.